6 Signs You’re Not Ready to Be in a Relationship
Dating is hard, and even harder if you’re not sure about what you really want. But in the minds of most people, finding love is a major part of being happy. Because of this, we may think we are ready to move forward with a relationship, regardless of the circumstances. But being in or beginning a meaningful, loving relationship is dependent on so many factors. Is it the right time? Are you in the right headspace? Is this person right for you? With so much to consider when taking things to the next level, it’s essential to know what you really want. One of the most important factors to consider in beginning a relationship is timing. If you get involved too soon, it could ruin a potentially good thing. If you are unsure if the time is right, read about these 6 signs you’re not ready to be in a relationship.
You want to save everyone.
If you feel like you always have to save everyone around you, you may not be ready to be in a relationship. A savior complex is already dangerous enough with family and friends. If you approach your relationship with this mentality, you are bound to get taken advantage of.

You need someone to complete you.
Not only is this critical for your relationship, but also for the continued progress of your own self-care. Even though it is a feat in itself, its best to come in to a relationship feeling complete, so that you are not always looking to another person to make you feel whole.

You put your own interests on the back burner.
If you are the kind of person to pour more into your partners than you do into yourself, a new relationship could be detrimental to your forward progress. Your dreams and goals are just as important as a significant other, which means balance between the two is key.

You haven’t dealt with your stuff.
Bringing in a ton of baggage into your new situation is the fastest way to weigh down your new love interest. A considerable amount of emotional work is expected in a new relationship. But if your new partner has to deal with your drama more than you have, that can become totally unfair.

You aren’t over your ex.
You can never move forward if you haven’t moved on. If you are still obsessed with your last relationship, or the person you were in it with, you will never be able to be with another person. And chances are that if this new love interest is into you, they will be able to pick up on your lack of emotional availability, even if you try to hide it.

You don’t trust anyone.
Trust is the cornerstone of any good relationship. If you don’t have it, you are definitely not ready for a new relationship. It is expected to have trust issues if you were treated poorly in your last relationship. But if these are the feelings are currently have, you owe it to yourself and your next partner to give yourself time to heal, grow and progress.