I will have to be blunt with you here; if you don’t
exactly know how to make girls want to impress
you then you will find it quite hard getting them
to fall in love with you.
How many times have a girl told you how much
she loves you?

None has ever told you she loves you, right?
Let me guess; if a girl had ever told you she loves you then it was way back in secondary school, back then when it seemed girls were quite easy to get. Now no girl says that to you anymore.

You know what?

We, me and you, are now about to change that. I will show you exactly how to make girls confess to been in love with you every single time.

You see, like you I was once a flop when it comes with girls, till I decided to fix that part of my life.

These days I frequently get texts from as much
girls as I could handle telling me how much they
love me.

So what did I start doing differently to start
getting such amazing results; as a matter I learnt to do a lot of things. Most of those things I learnt were packaged and put into my book the BANG RULE (see my profile for how to get it); what I am about to show you is just a tip of an iceberg but it still does magic.

I will repeat it again: TO GET AS MUCH GIRLS AS

When I first started working part time in a radio
station way back, there was this girl. A co-worker, who wasn’t really pretty – just manageable, this girl walked up to me one day and told me she really liked me…as in, from all indications it was a romantic kind of like

You know what I did?

A girl hadn’t ever been that direct around me
before and so when that girl told me she liked me It literary drove me mad; I started showing up around her more often, got her number and
started sending sweet texts to her almost on daily basis, I called her up almost every night just to say Goodnight.

Just two weeks after doing all those sweet stuffs I thought would make her like me more I noticed she was changing her attitude around me. At a point time she stopped picking my calls and started avoiding me around the office.

I kept up doing all my sweet things when one day she called me up and told me to just stop, said about a few harsh things I can’t write here and then told me she just got a boyfriend.
And that was the end…I was confused as hell.

What had gone wrong?

It wasn’t until years later when I started becoming good with girls that it dawned on me
that I had tried too hard…trying too hard makes
girls lose interest.

You know the approach I use now? I don’t try too hard anymore, matter of fact, I don’t try at all – I just lay back and have them impress me instead.

When they call me up I don’t pick and I don’t
return the call for sometimes three days straight. When I finally call I never apologize.

If a girl I am seeing comes to my house without
telling me before hand, I would sometimes tell I
was a bit busy, can’t see her now and would call
her up when I am free.

She might call to see me and I would tell her that something happened and that I was not in the mood to see her.

She might send me a love text and I will never
reply it. When she says she loves me to my face I sometimes don’t say I love her back. I just smile and say talk you (I know, sounds extreme right?)

Why does this work so well with girls?

Simple – It’s because they are not used to it, guys are always trying to impress them but when a guy comes around and doesn’t try to impress them it makes them wonder why. Most times, in the process of figuring out why you are not trying to impress her like other guys she will start trying to get you attracted to her and that is just what you want – when a girl starts making moves to get a guy attracted to her she too starts getting attracted to the guy.

Think back to all the girls that haven’t taken you
seriously in the past; the more they mistreated
you the more you seem to want to have her.
You may think girls won’t chase a guy or try to get him attracted to her. You may think if you act like she is to impress you then it might chase her off.

The fact is this; you are right. If you misuse this
secret I just showed you then it might backfire. In my book THE BANG RULE, I pointed out the exact step by step way to lay back and make her try real hard to impress you without chasing her away. These secrets, I am pretty sure, will get more girls sending “I love you” texts to your phone in the next one month than the number that sent you that kind of texts in the past 5 years of your life.

To be continued  CLICK HERE