Menopause Emotional Health: How Abuse Triggers Symptoms

Most women understand the importance of diet and exercise when it comes to hormone health. Your levels of physical activity and the foods you eat have a direct impact on maintaining healthy hormone levels.

That's why it's crucial to eat right and get enough exercise if you want to ease symptoms during your perimenopause years.

But for some women, diet and exercise won't be enough. They could eat the perfect hormone balancing diet and exercise like a champ, but still experience severe symptoms. That's because there's one area of their life they keep overlooking.

And it involves what's going on in their hearts.

To heal your body and experience vibrant health, you must look at all aspects of your life. Addressing menopause emotional health is just as important as addressing the physical.

Emotions play a major role in the healing process. If you carry around a lot of negativity like resentment, anger, hurt or sorrow, then you'll likely experience severe perimenopause symptoms for some time.

And if you're stuck in an abusive relationship, then it's virtually guaranteed you'll stay trapped in perimenopause hell indefinitely. Women living with the pain of spousal abuse constantly wrestle with negative emotions, which rarely get released. Because of the nature of the relationship, they lack the freedom to express their grievances. This scenario leads to a bottling up of emotions and stress that's just toxic for the mind and body.

All of us know that stress has a disastrous effect on our health. Certainly, living with abuse on a daily basis and the stress that results can disrupt your hormone balance. And that imbalance will lead to severe perimenopause symptoms.

Keep in mind that you don't have to be battered to be in an abusive relationship. Emotional abuse can be just as powerful as physical and is often harder to recognize. If you don't feel safe to voice your concerns in your relationship, then you may be a victim of abuse. Breaking free of the relationship is not only important for your mental and emotional wellbeing. It's also crucial for your physical health.

If you think that you might be a victim of abuse, call your local women's shelter or domestic violence hotline to discuss your situation with a counselor. She can help you take your next step towards healing.

As you approach menopause, emotional health becomes more important than ever. At this stage of your life it's normal to reflect on past regrets. Moving through these difficult emotions is key to your healing process.


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